Karl Erickson
Former USSF
Sergeant Major (Retired) Karl Erickson has over 25 years Military Experience; 18 years of experience within Army Special Forces, conducting all aspects of Special Operations, to include training, execution, and technical oversight at the detachment, company, and combined joint task force level. SGM Erickson has earned numerous awards, to include three Bronze Stars and a Army Commendation Medal for Valor. His military schooling includes Ranger school, Military Free Fall Jumpmaster, Special Forces Medic, SFARTEATC, Special Forces Sniper, to name but a few. After retiring, SGM Erickson now serves as the Director of Special Projects, at Ex Umbris International LLC, where he continues to train our military’s finest units, Law Enforcement ,and emergency first responders, to prepare them for tomorrow’s threats. Additionally, Karl provides specialized training to private sector personnel and companies , in many subjects; including Situational Awareness, Travel Safety, Post-Incident Medical Response, Modern Survival, and Advanced Firearms courses.
Navy SEAL Weapons and Tactics expert, Close Air Support Instructor and Counter Intelligence operative, Jason was honorably retired from the Teams in 2017 after 22 years of service. Jason was proud to complete multiple combat deployments to Iraq in Afghanistan as well as a strike platoon deployment to the Western Pacific Area of Operations (WESTPAC).
Jason is currently a high-risk driving, weapons and tactics Instructor at Tier One Group in Marion, Arkansas, as well as a Basic Field Firearms Instructor for various International Security Forces utilized by the U.S. Department of State. Drawing from multiple combat deployments, counter-intelligence operations, and years of training experience, Jason is proud to give back to the Tactical Rifleman Nation in an effort to increase the knowledge base of our nation’s military heroes and exceptional civilians!
Imri Morgenstern
A man of two worlds, Imri Morgenstern grew up playing American football and wrestling—but it was immersed in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that he learned how to fight when the stakes are highest. During his military service, Master Sgt. (Res) Imri Morgenstern was an operator with a Special Operations unit, specializing in counter-terrorism warfare, demolition, breaching and hostage rescue. He executed countless missions within his unit as well as other Special Operations teams.
Imri was instrumental in creating the first high-risk breaching squadron in the IDF. He started the first “cold breach” team in the IDF and created SOPs for hostage rescue breaching. He is certified as a hostage rescue breacher/master breacher and breaching instructor.
Additionally, Imri is certified by the IDF as a range officer for a variety of weapons including small arms, RPG, Browning .50mg, LMG, grenades, M203, mortars, demolition, explosives and more. He is also a certified instructor in Martial Blade Concepts, a comprehensive system of edged weapon self-defense. He is proud to have studied under Mike Janich, the system’s creator. Imri’s experience includes instructing force combatives to a myriad of international Special Forces units. Imri has also served as a tactical advisor in the firearms industry.
Imri brings real world combat experience to his instruction. He can teach personal safety and combat shooting techniques to a wide range of people with different orientations and mind sets
Randall " Rawhide " Wurst
Born February 1953, and raised on a Horse Ranch in Wyoming, Randy "Rawhide" Wurst was destined to train horses and horsemen in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom as a U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret.
Outdoor survival runs in his blood. His family operated a Big Game Outfit Business since 1929. Randy started guiding hunters on horseback at age 12 and ended his outfitting eighteen years later outside Cody, Wyoming.
As a young man, he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Police Science from Northern Arizona University in 1978. The year after, he bought a one-way ticket to England and worked his way around the World from England for a year. He then returned home to Cody and became a patrolman and SWAT member until he enlisted in the Army. He joined the Rangers and later the Special Forces where he served for 27 years until he retired in 2011 as a Chief Warrant Officer 4.
Randy has too many awards and accolades to list. He is proud to have valiantly served our Nation in five major conflicts: Desert Shield/Desert Storm; Security Force Kuwait; African Demining; Kosovo Campaign; Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan; Operation Iraqi Freedom Iraq.
During this time, he's either fought or trained Guerilla Forces to fight in every geographic area of the world. He's been blown up twice, injured every major part of his body, and frankly just doesn't know how many times he's given the finger to death in the line of duty.
Former USSF
Master Sergeant (Retired) Pete Jones has more than 25 years Military Experience; 20 years of experience within Army Special Forces, conducting all aspects of Special Operations, to include training, execution and technical oversight at the detachment, company and combined joint task force level. MSG Jones has earned numerous awards, to include Bronze Stars and Purple Heart for actions in combat. His military schooling includes Ranger School, Military Free Fall Jumpmaster, Special Forces Weapons Sereant, SFARTEATC and Special Forces Sniper, to name but a few. His last job with Special Forces was being the Primary Flat Range Pistol and Rifle instructor at his unit. After retiring, MSG Jones now is the Owner of Alan’s Arsenal LLC selling Firearms to the Public and Stars of Hollywood.
Former USSF
Master Sergeant (Retired) Keith Gipple has more than 25 years Military Experience; 20 years of experience within Army Special Forces, conducting all aspects of Special Operations, to include training, execution and technical oversight at the detachment, company and combined joint task force level. MSG Gipple has earned numerous awards, to include three Bronze Stars, the Defense Meritorious Service and Joint Service Commendation medals. His military schooling includes Ranger School, Jumpmaster, Military Free Fall, Special Forces Engineer and Special Forces Operations and Intelligence, SFARTEATC, and Special Forces Sniper course, to name but a few. After retiring, MSG Gipple continues to serve in the defense industry, where he consults and provides training to our military’s finest, preparing them for tomorrow’s threats.
Former USSF
Sergeant First Class (Retired) Donnie Bowen has about 22 years military experience; 13 years of experience within Army Special Forces as a Green Beret, conducting all aspects of Special Operations, to include training, execution, and technical oversight at the detachment and company level, as well as the training and execution at the combined joint task force level. SFC Bowen has earned numerous awards, to include a Army Commendation Medal for Valor. His military schooling includes the Special Forces Weapon Sergeant Course, Military Free Fall Course, SFARTAETC, Mountain Warfare Course (Summer and Winter), USSOCOM Joint Armorer's Course, S.E.R.E. -C (High Risk), Modern Army Combatives Program (MA.C.P.) Master Trainer Course, Special Operations Combatives Program (S.O.C.P.) Instructor Course, to name but a few. SFC Bowen is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, a Judo Black Belt, and a Black Belt in two Karate disciplines, as well as has a couple years of experience in the Filipino and in the Indonesian martial arts training in the art of the blade and the use of blunt objects for offense and defense. SFC Bowen is also a graduate of the Operational Security Strategies "Lone Operator" Unconventional Warfare Strategies Course. After retiring, SFC Bowen is the founder, owner, and head instructor of BOWEN Combative Arts Academy in Clarksville, TN, where he teaches and coaches children to adults in the arts of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Wrestling, Self-Defense/Bully Proof Techniques, etc.. He also works with local law enforcement, SWAT, and first responders on basic combatives techniques.
Coach was born a sixth generation Texan in Deep South Texas to a family steeped in military tradition and love of country. At an early age he developed an affinity for precision shooting and improvised explosives. After a highly decorated career in Cub Scouts and Webelos, he had a short but dramatic membership in the Boy Scouts were he first experienced his life long disdain for persons in positions of authority who possessed no personal Honor. Graduation from Texas A&M was followed by a years long intensive search of the Western Hemisphere for a superior brand of mescal. As age and life often does, Coach realized he was better at teaching than doing (But still “Doing” pretty well!) and the rewards and enlightened fulfillment that comes with the instruction of others now fill his days. With a lifetime of experience as a student, instructor, competitor and hanger-on of various companies, institutions, agencies, schools, disciplines and lost causes, Coach draws from many great minds and marksmanship masters such as Bill Rogers, Col Jeff Cooper and Col Hannibal Smith and the proven techniques of great facilities such as Mid-South, Tier 1 Group and many others. As a certified Texas LE instructor, the Marksmanship Instructor for the 142 year old Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M University, Coach of their Marksmanship Unit, per diem instructor at various facilities, and a damn good furniture salesman…Coach now teaches a blend of techniques drawing from both the practical and the competition world to military, civilian and LE clients. Recent achievements include being invited to found the Marksmanship Unit for the Corps of Cadets in 2012. The cadets of that Unit, the CCMU, have simply dominated…winning eight collegiant national titles in Steel Challenge and 3Gun from 2013 to 2018, all versus Service Academy Competition, and breaking records in the sports each year. This success…and the success of any shooter in any environment where stress and performance are inseparably intertwined…is the result of the relentless pursuit of the mastery of fundamentals. Under extreme stress you do not Rise to the occasion, you Fall to the level of your training. In marksmanship there is no such thing as advanced skill, there is only the advanced application of fundamental skill.
Master Sergeant (Retired) Zevon Lee Durham aka “Zee” served as an Infantryman for his first 6 years in the US Army with the 1st Battalion, 187th Infantry Rakkasans out of Ft. Campbell, KY. While there, he held the position of machine gunner, fire team leader, squad leader, and recon team leader. During this time frame, Zee deployed to Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
After being selected and attending the Special Forces Qualification Course at Ft. Bragg, NC., Zee was assigned to 5th Special Forces Group Airborne, again at Ft. Campbell where he finished his career. Within 5th SFG(A), Zee was assigned to the Group's lone Direct Action and Hostage Rescue specialty company with the designation of A/1/5 that is reserved for Green Beret elite. There, Zee held the position of SF Engineer Sgt, Senior Engineer Sgt, Cell Leader, Team Sgt, and Battalion S-3 Operations Sgt.
While in Special Forces, Zee deployed 6 times to various locations in the Middle East with all of them being combat deployments except 2. During these deployments, Zee worked with hundreds of soldiers in the elite forces of these various countries. Zee taught them, trained them, and fought beside them in order to accomplish the mission successfully.
Zee has a myriad of experience and special skills training qualifications to include:
Special Forces Small Unit Tactics Course - Survival Evasion Resistance Escape Course - Ranger School - Special Forces Advanced Reconnaissance, Target Analysis, and Exploitation Techniques Course, (SFARTAETC) - Special Forces Sniper School Level 2 (SFSC) - Military Free Fall School - Advanced Special Operations Level 1 and 2 - 3 Non-Commissioned Officer Leadership Courses - Airborne School - Air Assault School. - Tactical Combat Casualty Care Course x3 - Stryker Leaders Course - Special Operations Combative Program - Modern Army Combatives Program levels 1-3 - Foreign Language Course (Arabic) - 4 private advanced shooting courses - Audie Murphy Club Member
Zee is currently a firearms and defensive tactics instructor that focuses on coaching others to have the ability and composure to face, subdue, or eliminate a violent threat.
After 7 years in U.S. Diplomatic Security Service, Rossen continued his career as a lead instructor, providing firearms marksmanship development and training in several key international projects including the Middle East region.
He worked together with experts from all over the world including top Israeli instructors, former Royal Dutch Marines, British SAS instructors, and specialists from South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The well-recognized Ron Avery was his mentor and currently, Rossen continues Ron's legacy as a director of training at TPC.
Rossen is a USPSA Grandmaster in the world of practical shooting sports and part of the CZ-USA shooting team.
Former USSF, born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica.
Warwick Marsh has more than 21 years Military experience, as an SFC (Retired) with an Extensive Infantry background and over 12 years experience in Army Special Forces conducting all aspects of Missions to include Training, Execution, Technical oversight at the detachment, company level and at the combined joint task force level.
His Military schooling includes Special forces weapons, Special forces intelligence, Ranger school, SFARTAETC, and high Risk driving. To name but a few.
His last job with Special Forces was as a primary instructor on a Flat Range, and CQC Instructor with the Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat committee (SFAUC).
After Retirement Wick continued to teach on the flat range as a Primary Pistol and rifle instructor.
As a role player Wick has done a variety of scenarios that involve all aspects within the Special Forces mission Set, based on real life experiences.
Wick is committed and has continued to give back to the Special Forces community which include Army, Navy, air force and Marine Special operation Forces.
Mark is a retired 33 year veteran of Federal and State law enforcement, serving more than 23 years in SWAT including 8 years as a full-time Senior Team Leader. Mark is also a certified firearms instructor, tactics instructor, and active threat response instructor having trained hundreds of law enforcement officers and civilians throughout the United States.
Mark is an experienced executive protection professional having served on the US Attorney General’s protection detail.
Mark is a proud veteran serving in the US Marine Corps, completing several overseas deployments.
Nick Gaines
Former USSF
Special Forces Medical Sergeant with 26 years’ experience in Austere Medicine to include Combat
Medicine in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nick has a diverse background and has practiced medicine on
every continent but Antarctica, which he hopes to rectify one day. He considers himself a lifelong
student of Tactics and Medicine. Nicks experience additionally incudes; Combat Technical Rescue
Technician, Critical Care Flight Paramedic, Special Operations Austere Care Course Instructor,
Wilderness Medicine Instructor, Tactics/Firearms Instructor, Survival Instructor, Wilderness Guide,
NGO Medicine, Alaskan Commercial Fisherman, and Carpenter. To name a few.
CERTIFICATIONS: 18D Special Forces Medical Sergeant, Critical Care Flight Paramedic (FP-C),
Certification in Neonatal Pediatric Transport (C-NPT), NREMT- Paramedic (NRP), State
Paramedic (TX), Advanced Tactical Practitioner (ATP), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS),
Basic Life Support (BLS), Pre Hospital Trauma Life support (PHTLS), Pediatric Advanced Life
Support (PALS), Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP), OB STAT, STABLE, Cardiac STABLE,
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC Provider), ROCO Combat Technical Rescue (CTR),
Wilderness First Responder (Instructor), Special Forces Qualification Course Spanish, Survival
Evasion Resist and Escape (HR) with Peacetime Detention Level C, Advanced Leaders Course,
Warrior Leaders Course, Airborne, 68W Army Medic Course(with Combat Medical Badge), 4F
Air Force Aeromedical Technician Course, also attended the Mountain Training School.
“Big AL”
US Army Retired
With over 20 years active service in the U.S. Army and another 10 in Military contracting. AL has been operating within every facet of the tactical firearms and weapons realm. Most of those years within the SOCOM community.
Over a remarkable weapons career he has worked supporting conventional Army, Navy, and Airfoce units as well as strengthened his profession supporting Special Operations elements from Rangers, Seals, Green Berets and 160th SOAR.
Working in areas of weapons repair, concept development, systems compatibility, modernization, and range training there is very little he hasn’t had his hands in.
With a foundation of training as a US Army Small Arms Repairer and adding to that Foreign and Non-standard Armorer training, Special Operations peculiar weapons training and working with the US Army Marksmanship Unit. He has trained and worked alongside several firearms industry giants such as Barret, Beretta, Dillon, FN Herstal, Glock, H&K, Remmington, SureFire, Sig, and Smith and Wesson.
His background also includes Low light / No Light tactical training, Tactical Rifle and Shotgun, D.o.D Less Than Lethal Weapons Instructor Certification, NRA Certification in Range Officer and Personal Protection Inside and Outside the home Instructor.
His sought-after expertise has had him involved in serval projects with several government entities from the U.S. Marshals and U.S. Department of Energy to the Dept. of State and Various Law Enforcement elements.
Byron Russell
Byron Russell is a retired Green Beret with extensive experience in Special Forces operations, specializing in unconventional warfare, leadership, and tactical innovation. During his military career, Byron became an expert in Close Quarters Battle (CQB), firearms training, and emerging technologies, earning a reputation for adaptability and precision in high-stakes environments.
In his post-military career, Byron has turned his focus to the rapidly evolving field of drones and drone defense. He is a leading instructor in tactical drone operations, offering comprehensive training on both offensive and defensive applications of drones in modern scenarios. His expertise extends to developing and teaching counter-drone strategies, helping individuals and organizations understand and mitigate aerial threats while remaining within legal frameworks.
Byron is also a passionate designer and craftsman. As the founder of Black Armor Guns, he applies his attention to detail and practical experience to building custom firearms, including the highly-regarded Door Kicker and Champion rifles. His work reflects the same precision and reliability that defined his military service.
A sought-after speaker and instructor, Byron shares his knowledge on topics ranging from tactical drone defense and airspace sovereignty to the evolution of CQB. As a member of the Tactical Rifleman team, he combines his deep operational experience with cutting-edge insights to train others in advanced tactics and technologies.
When not teaching or speaking, Byron continues to innovate in the fields of drone defense and tactical training, mentoring the next generation of warriors and problem-solvers.
Nick is a videographer and editor for the TR team. Obtaining a BA in Journalism and English from Murray State University in 2018, Nick went on to be an editor and music columnist for newspapers in Indiana. Once returning home to Kentucky in late 2020, he stepped in, initially to help solely with editing TR, but additionally began taking over filming in 2022.
Rod “Seaux” Larreau
Rod Larreau, better known as “Seaux” Larreau, is currently a Podcaster and working with
Tactical Rifleman on the U Tube network. He had been keenly following the development of small arms,
modern projectiles and of polymer case ammunition for several years from the inside while on active
duty as a Combat Developer for the 1 st Special Forces Command at Ft. Bragg, NC. As Commodity Lead for
Target Engagement, Master Sergeant Larreau’s responsibilities covered all aspects of weapons,
ammunition, optics and night vision for the Green Beret Regiment. He sought funding for the polymer
case ammunition when he met Lonnie Burrow with the “Rasor Group” before the transition to True
Velocity, as well as other companies like PCP and MAC in an effort to keep ARDEC from fielding the Case
Telescoping LSAT Machinegun. During this same effort he worked diligently on suppressing all future
assault rifles and machineguns to be suppressed, which led him to Frank Desomma at POF. Patriot
Ordnance Factory gave Larreau key insights into designs and modifications that could accomplish this
goal. After retiring from the US Army, Mr. Larreau stayed in the ammunition industry to see the
adoption of the concept which is still ongoing.
Seaux Larreau joined the US Army straight from High School in August 1981. He served the 82 nd
Airborne and 75 th Rangers as well as did a short stint in the French Foreign Legion before finding a home
in Special Forces in 1989. During his time in the Green Berets he served in 12 th , 10 th , 19 th and 5 th Groups
where he participated in many combat actions and key deployments. His specialty as a Sniper,
intelligence and communications put him out in austere conditions where he developed superior field
skills and advanced infiltration techniques. During his military career Seaux spent more than six years in
combat zones or hostile fire areas. This experience put him in the key role of modernization for his last
seven years in the military where he had to learn the complicated acquisitions process utilized by the
DOD. In addition to ammunition improvements, he also pushed for items like the Precision Sniper Rifle,
Improved optics and ranging devices, advanced night vision and day scopes and modern weapons
upgrades. He retired from the US Army with almost 30 years of active duty.
Seaux is passionate about ensuring his two sons in the military get the best products for
conducting the Nation’s bidding. He lives in the Smoky Mountains, near Cherokee, NC with his wife
Robbie and youngest son William. His daughter Hannah is a chemical engineer in Los Angeles, CA. Seaux
is also active as a volunteer for the Special Forces Association, Search and Rescue tracking instructor and
advisor for several training and tactics scenarios within the Special Warfare Center. He hopes to move
back to the Mountain Time Zone somewhere from West Texas up to Idaho while he is young enough to
enjoy the scenery.