NAVY SEAL's Tips for Surviving BUD/S | Tactical Rifleman

This week on Tactical Rifleman I want to give you guys a short and sweet brief on what I think potential Navy SEAL candidates can do to get in the correct headspace to successfully survive Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, notoriously known as BUD/S. Make no mistake about it, I didn't realize this stuff when I went. It wasn't until after, when asked how I think I made it through, I realized a few mental principles that helped me through the tough spots. Believe me, that training had plenty of them. Some of these lessons were learned the hard way as my career was far from perfect. 

The Navy SEALs have some of the finest individuals I have ever had the honor to fight with, serve with, and learn from. With the proper mindset and maturity, maybe some of you will earn the honor of that service as well. Hoo-ya and good luck!

Tactical Rifleman