Tactical Drone Defense
Tactical Drone Defense
Location: Indian Mound, TN
Date: November 1-4 2024
Course Duration:
4 days (32 hours)
Target Audience:
Security professionals, law enforcement, hobbyists, and concerned citizens interested in understanding drone technology and defense tactics.
None required, though a background in security or technology could be beneficial.
Course Objectives:
Equip attendees with essential drone piloting skills to understand drone capabilities and limitations.
Provide a comprehensive understanding of both active and passive drone defense techniques.
Day 1-2: Basic Drone Operation
(Refer to the Basic Drone Operator Course outline for the first two days.)
Day 3: Understanding Drone Threats & Capabilities
Introduction to Drone Threats (1 hour)
Surveillance vs Reconnaissance
Drone vs Sniper Capabilities
Drone and Pilot Capabilities (1.5 hours)
Range and Endurance
Sensing Capabilities: Visual, Thermal, etc.
Passive Defense Strategies (2 hours)
Patterns of Life: How to Alter Them
Audio and Signal Signature Detection
Active Defense Strategies (1.5 hours)
Legal and Tactical Options
Physical Countermeasures
Day 4: Implementing Drone Defense
Technical Aspects of Drone Defense (1.5 hours)
Signal Interference: Jammers and Spoofers
Detection Methods: Radar, Acoustic Sensors
Thermal Cameras: LWIR vs. SWIR (1 hour)
Pros and Cons
Practical Applications and Limitations
Practical Defense Scenarios (3 hours)
Simulated Drone Attacks
Employing Active and Passive Countermeasures
Course Review and Q&A (1 hour)
Summary of Key Takeaways
Future Learning Paths