Combat Pistol

Combat Pistol

from $300.00
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Note: We will be using Dummy Rounds during certain drills. It is recommended that you bring a minimum of 9 dummy rounds for your Pistol. These dummy rounds can be purchased from Amazon or anywhere else on the web. Don’t waste you money on Snap Caps; just get cheap Dummy rounds, and mark them with your initials. We will have Dummy Rounds to RENT for $5 each at the course. You get your money back at the end, when you turn them back in.

This course covers the basics of Pistol marksmanship, but is not a “basic” course. We will cover the following subjects:

·         Weapons Safety & Manipulation

·         Combat Mindset

·         Fundamentals of Pistol Marksmanship  

·         4-Step Draw and Presentation

·         Speed Reload / Tac Reload

·         Techniques of Tactical Shooting

·         Trigger Control

·         Immediate and Remedial Action               

·         Physiological Effects of Combat Stressors

·         Multiple-target Indexing              

·         Strong Hand & Support Hand Shooting        

·         Threat identification

·         Subconscious Mind & Muscle-Memory

·         Follow Though

·         Precision Sight Alignment for Long-Range

·         Shooting while Moving

·         Care and Cleaning of the Handgun

·         Dry-Fire Drills

Again, this is NOT a “basic firearms” course; it is not a “competition shooting” course; it is not a “concealed carry” course. However, these training techniques will help you with both competition and concealed carry. That said, it is geared towards survival on the modern battlefield, using your own pistol and your own gear.


Serviceable pistol of at least 9mm caliber

Minimum of 3 serviceable magazines

Minimum of 1 double magazine pouch

Eye and Ear protection

Serviceable holster

300 rounds of ammunition