Low & No-Light Shooting

Low & No-Light Shooting


Location: Louisville Armory

Date: July 26 & 27 2025

Low-Light Shooting in and of itself is advanced. Basic fundamentals of marksmanship, target identification, threat verification, and weapon manipulation are all that is needed; the advanced quality of Low-Light Shooting is due to the requirement to apply all of these basic tasks in a fast and complex environment without the normal use of your visual senses.

A weapon-mounted visible light does not help you reload. It does not help you transition or clear malfunctions. All these acts must be done using your other senses and relying heavily on how well you “Know” your weapon systems inside and out.

Now, switch to non-visible lights & aiming lasers, and we add the requirement to wear Night Vision Devices (NVDs). Whether wearing Monocular PVS-14s, Binos, or Quads; your field of view and normal human actions are great hindered. You can’t just “move your eyes” to see left or right; you must turn your whole head, left, right, up & down. This takes practice.

Our Low & No-Light Shooting Course is a two(2) day course that covers the fundamentals of shooting in limited visibility.

Day-1: Visible Weapon-mounted Lights (Pistol & Rifle)

  • Low-Light Loading & Unloading, Condition of Weapon

  • Low-Light Engagement Sequence

  • Low-Light Weapon Manipulation

  • Low-Light Transitions & Malfunction Drills

  • Low-Light Tactics

  • Introduction of NVDs

Day-2: IR NVDs

  • Low-Light NVD tasks

  • No-Light NVD Tasks

  • NVD Movement

  • Introduction to IR Aiming Lasers

  • NVD Weapon Manipulations

  • NVD Rifle Drills

  • NVD Pistol Drills

  • NVD Transition  & Malfunction Drills

  • Low-Light “Non-Livefire” Shoothouse

  • No-Light “Non-Livefire” Shoothouse

  • Graduation

“Why do I need training in Low/No-Light Shooting if that is not my job?”

Conducting tactically sound movement and manipulations of a firearm, in situations of limited visibility, while also remaining aware of multiple moving elements such as threats and your team mates, will definitely enhance your survivability and capabilities to save others despite your profession! That is why.

BONUS for this Class:

      We understand that dropping thousands of dollars for a set of Night Vision Goggles is a BIG purchase; especially if you have never messed with NVDs before. We will have several different types of NVDs there for Clients to try out, along with IR Illuminators for clients to mount on this weapons.  We are in negotiations with AGM Global Vision to provide NVDs for this class. Once approved; current plan:

  1. AGM to provide new PVS-14s with Gen-2+ Tube (complete kits) per course attendee

  2. Clients will have the option to purchase their optic upon completion of the course, at price discounted from AGM website.

  3. Those optics not purchased by clients will be returned to AGM.

  4. If a student wants to buy a DIFFERENT optic from AGM(example: PVS-51 Binos), please notify us ahead of class, and AGM will change out a PVS-14 for whatever the client wants to purchase. It will be waiting for you, at a discounted price, when you arrive at class. Client is locked in to purchase BEFORE start of course.


o  Serviceable pistol of at least 9mm caliber

o  Minimum of 3 pistol magazines

o  Minimum of 1 double pistol magazine pouch

o  Eye and Ear protection

o  Serviceable holster

o  200 rounds of pistol ammunition

o  Pistol-mounted Flashlight

o  Serviceable carbine (9mm, 45ACP, 5.56mm, 300BLK, or 7.62x39mm)

o  Minimum of 3 rifle magazines

o  Minimum of 1 magazine pouch or suitable method to carry spare magazines

o  Sling – suitable for a variety of shooting positions – tactical style preferred

o  200 rounds of rifle ammunition (NO STEEL CORE)

o  Rifle-mounted Flashlight

We will be training with Head or Helmet-mounted Night Vision Devices (NVDs) . All Students will need to have some sort of NVD with head/helmet mount. While MilSpec NVDs are recommended;  all models of NVDs (except Thermals) are acceptable. This includes Fusion (IR & Thermal) and Sionyx civilian models. If you do NOT have your own NVDs, please see the “BONUS” comment above.

  • NVD with appropriate head-mounting gear

  • Helmet or head-harness

  • IR Aiming Laser

  • Batteries for all electronic devices

We will be training in a “NON-Livefire” Shoot House. All Students need to bring some sort of Non-Livefire weapon. While Simmunition/UTM are recommended; Airsoft is acceptable. UTM Conversion Kit Rentals and UTM Ammo purchase are available, subject to availability (call early to confirm).

o  Conversion Kit for Rifle (UTM/Simmunitions/FX/Airsoft)

o  50rds of Marking ammo for Rifle (UTM/Simmunitions/FX/Airsoft)

o  Conversion Kit for Pistol (UTM/Simmunitions/FX/Airsoft)

o  50rds of Marking ammo for Pistol(UTM/Simmunitions/FX/Airsoft)

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