Tactical Rifleman is the go-to destination for advice and tips for all things military, tactical, survival, driving and shooting related. This is not just a gun or shooting page; We will have subject matter experts across various different fields share expertise learned through years of military experience .
Tactical Rifleman is the go-to destination for advice and tips for all things military, tactical, survival, driving and shooting related. This is not just a gun or shooting page; We will have subject matter experts across various different fields share expertise learned through years of military experience . We will show you how the US military shoots, moves and communicates and how we use the latest and greatest equipment. We will show you that knowledge is the best tool for the job and knowledge is your best weapon.


Tactical Rifleman
Tactical [tak-ti-kuh l]
Adjective: of or relating to a maneuver or plan of action designed as an expedient toward gaining a desired end or temporary advantage
Rifleman [rahy-fuh l-muh n]
Noun: a man with a rifle and a cause; Traditionally the low man in a military hierarchy but he/she is the foundation and heart beat of their organization; characterized as a person with savage capability and gold standard fundamentals. A rifleman seeks excellence in all tasks, from taking out the garbage when needed, to leading others to victory.
Who is a Tactical Rifleman??
An acceptably capable citizen that seeks to be an asset to their family and community by developing in themselves HUMILITY, COURAGE, RELEVANT SKILL, and INTESTINAL FORTITUDE.